This blog wouldn’t be honest or complete without acknowledging two driving influences in my life in the last few years: my wife’s battle with cancer and my battle with depression and anxiety. Both of these have been family battles and I’m eternally grateful and proud of the way my wonderful family have worked through these issues together.
We’ve always been a close unit, but both of these illnesses have put incredible strain on us, and I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the extraordinary grace with which my wife has faced her illness and dealt with mine. Our children have had to deal with their mother’s illness and watching their father come unglued. They never cease to amaze me, and I love them with all my heart!
I won’t presume to tell my wife’s story on these pages, that’s for her to tell should she ever feel the need, but I will tell my tale in the hope that it does someone out there some good. I’ve faced a few demons along the way and I’ve learnt a lot. I hope that experience can be of value.